Roundtable “How to Improve Cyprus’ Offering and Competitiveness” with the Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry of Cyprus
Cypriots in the City Association in collaboration with the Cyprus High Commission in the UK and Invest Cyprus – CIPA organised a roundtable with the Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Cyprus Mr George Papanastasiou, the Chairman of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission George Theocharides, PhD, the Chairman of Invest Cyprus Evgenios Evgeniou, the CEO of Invest Cyprus Marios Tannousis and the Special Advisor to the President of Cyprus on Economic Affairs Chris Patsalides.
The roundtable focused on “How to Improve Cyprus’ Offering and Competitiveness” and brought together Cypriots, from all communities in Cyprus, who work in the finance, legal, accounting, technology and consulting sectors in the UK aiming to develop a strategic approach towards improving Cyprus’ offering and competitiveness.
We would like to thank the Cyprus High Commissioner and the Commercial Attache Costas Dafos for hosting this event at the Cyprus High Commission.
Phanos Theophanous Antonis Themistokleous Joanna Loizidou FCA Charalambos Toumazis Paul Nearchou Stephanie Panayi Eugenie Papadopoulos Andrew Savvides Radima Khatataeva, CFA